Studio 70

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Angela's Yoga Story

I retired almost three years ago from a teaching job which had become quite stressful and was determined to stay fit. I joined a gym which I continue to enjoy but decided to try yoga to improve my flexibility and my posture. I found the yoga site online and went along to the over fifty's class about a year ago.  I immediately felt at home and started to enjoy the challenges of yoga. 

The benefits of yoga are many.  I particularly use yoga breathing in stressful situations. I also find myself surreptitiously practicing standing on one leg in supermarket queues and at bus stops to improve my balance! I have recommended the yoga class to friends, many of whom have come along to the over fifty's class.  We look forward to our Tuesday mornings in the beautiful new Studio 70.  It's a lovely calming relaxing space and we leave feeling much the better from our yoga practice together.