Meet our resident foodie - Sofie!


Hello! I'm Sofie, you may recognise me as fellow participant in a yoga class at Studio70. I have been invited by Laura to write a monthly food blog, in which I share some of my favourite recipes.

I love making and sharing food with the people I love - for me, it is the ultimate expression of kindness and care. My father is a very accomplished home cook and always did the cooking while I was growing up, he was also always very open to teaching me and letting me cook some dishes for the family too.


I eat mostly anything, I'm not not one for favouritism. In my home life we eat mostly vegetarian because I prefer being able to purchase good quality meat, but that is of course expensive so for me, it's a luxury product.

I definitely make a conscious effort to eat seasonally. I will be making sure that what I post here will make sense for the season, weather and what's available (and tasty) in stores.

Expect stews, soups, roasted veggies, salads, some fermented projects (we make our own sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha and sourdough bread at home) and the occasional sweet thing.


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